Bid Details

Bid Information

Project Number CDD-2024-001
Project Name 2025-26 City of Cupertino Low Income Services/ Housing Notice of Funding Available
Project Type RFP
Status Open
Date Issued 11/4/2024 8:00:00 AM
Date Due 2/4/2025 5:00:00 PM
Engineer's Estimate N/A
Scope of Work The City of Cupertino has issued the fiscal year (FY) 2025/26 NOFA and RFP. The City is requesting proposals for eligible capital housing projects and public service programs. The City may award and appropriate funds to one or more eligible projects in each funding category. Funds must be used to serve low- and/or moderate-income households located within the City of Cupertino jurisdiction limits. The following funding sources are on a one-year grant funding cycle (FY 25/26): 1. Below Market Rate (BMR) Affordable Housing Fund (AHF) Capital Housing Projects (up to $4,800,000) 2. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Capital Housing Projects (approx. $267,000) The following funding sources are on a two-year grant funding cycle (FY 25/26 & 26/27): 1. BMR AHF Public Services (up to $50,000) 2. CDBG Public Services (approx. $58,000) 3. General Fund Human Services Grant (HSG) Program (up to $129,000) The estimated CDBG dollar amounts may change based upon the final federal budget approved by Congress. BMR AHF and General Fund HSG allocations are subject to City Council approval and may change as a result.


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FY 2025-26 NOFA 1.pdf

Record of addenda and notifications.

Date SentSubjectBodyActions
11/4/2024 Cupertino Bids Project Message: 2025-26 City of Cupertino Low Income Services/ Housing Notice of Funding Available<p>This is a notification that the City of Cupertino has posted a project <span style="font-weight:b...

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Pursuant to section 1601 of the Public Contract Code, electronic submission packages can not be accessed by City Employees until the posted close date. The City of Cupertino will provide a receipt of submission for each document via Email, and the City of Cupertino will provide a receipt via email upon the opening of the electronic submissions.

Planholders List

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Company NameAddressCityStateZipPhoneFaxContact NameEmail
County of Santa Clara OSH150 W Tasman DriveSan JoseCA951484082786416 Diana

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Fee Proposal Submission Package

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Pursuant to section 1601 of the Public Contract Code, electronic submission packages can not be accessed by City Employees until the posted close date. The City of Cupertino will provide a receipt of submission for each document via Email, and the City of Cupertino will provide a receipt via email upon the opening of the electronic submissions.
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