Bid Details

Bid Information

Project Number PR95014
Project Name Public Relations and Strategic Communications
Project Type RFP
Status Closed
Date Issued 4/7/2023 11:43:00 AM
Date Due 5/12/2023 5:00:00 PM
Engineer's Estimate NA
Scope of Work The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to facilitate the selection of a qualified firm to provide strategic communications consulting, graphic design services, marketing, and general communications support to the City. The overarching goal is to promote Cupertino's business value proposition to key audiences while focusing on top priorities and deploy efforts to meticulously amplify City’s image as well as digital and traditional media profile to “sell” the City to boost business attraction efforts.


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Document TitleActions
FINAL RFP - PR - COMMS - April 2023 Combined TK (1).pdf
RFP Questions.pdf

Record of addenda and notifications.

Date SentSubjectBodyActions
4/7/2023 Cupertino Bids Project Message: Public Relations and Strategic Communications<p>This is a notification that the City of Cupertino has posted a project <span style="font-weight:b...
4/28/2023 Project Public Relations and Strategic Communications Was Edited by the City of CupertinoThis is a notification that the City of Cupertino has updated a project Public Relations and Strateg...

Electronic Submission Package

This posting allows Electronic Package Submission. Upload documents to your electronic package submission by dragging documents into the file upload box below and click 'Upload File'. Successful uploads will appear in the document list below.

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Pursuant to section 1601 of the Public Contract Code, electronic submission packages can not be accessed by City Employees until the posted close date. The City of Cupertino will provide a receipt of submission for each document via Email, and the City of Cupertino will provide a receipt via email upon the opening of the electronic submissions.

Planholders List

Planholders will automatically be enrolled in a notifications list to receive project updates and messages from the project administrator

Company NameAddressCityStateZipPhoneFaxContact NameEmail
S.Groner Associates317 Washington St, Suite 214OaklandCA94607  Stephen
Probolsky Reseaerch23 Corporate Plaza Drive Suite 150Newport BeachCA9266094985564009498556405Adam
California Public Relations & Advocacy LLC1180 Rosecrans Street, Ste. 188San DiegoCA921069162121951 Ashley
Miller Ink11400 W Olympic Blvd., Suite 300Los AngelesCA90064  Joey
Segal communications560 Pine StSan FranciscoCA941089178683396 Sarah

Notifications List

Fee Proposal Submission Package

This posting allows Fee Proposal Package Submission. Upload documents to your electronic package submission by dragging documents into the file upload box below and click 'Upload File'. Successful uploads will appear in the document list below.

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Pursuant to section 1601 of the Public Contract Code, electronic submission packages can not be accessed by City Employees until the posted close date. The City of Cupertino will provide a receipt of submission for each document via Email, and the City of Cupertino will provide a receipt via email upon the opening of the electronic submissions.
Business Opportunitues