Business Opportunities Open bids,RFPs & RFQs
Project NumberStatusProject TypeProject NameDate IssuedDate DueActions
2025-102Under EvaluationProject Bids2025 Slurry Seal / Fog Seal Project 1/28/2025 2/19/2025
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CIP2025-02-CMClosedRFPRFP for Project & Construction Management Services for the CIP Photovoltaic project 1/6/2025 1/27/2025
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CIP-25RFQ02ClosedRFQRFQ for Staff Augmentation Services 12/12/2024 1/16/2025
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CIP-25RFQ01ClosedRFQRFQ for Civil Engineering Services 12/12/2024 1/16/2025
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2024-CM-002CancelledRFPEmergency Operations Plan (EOP) Revision and Operational Support 11/20/2024 1/10/2025
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2026-06RFPClosedRFPRFP for Professional Engineering Design Services - ST 068 Roadway Safety Improvements - HSIP 11/5/2024 12/10/2024
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2022-15Under EvaluationProject BidsStevens Creek Boulevard Class IV Bike Lane Phase 2A 11/5/2024 12/5/2024
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2024-CMO-001ClosedRFP2024 Legislative Support Services RFP 11/4/2024 11/21/2024
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CDD-2024-001OpenRFP2025-26 City of Cupertino Low Income Services/ Housing Notice of Funding Available 11/4/2024 2/4/2025
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N/AOpenRFPMaster Street Tree and Protected Tree Ordinance CMC 14.18 Updates 10/21/2024 12/12/2024
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2022-15RFPClosedRFPRFP for Construction Management and Material Testing Services - Stevens Creek Blvd Class IV Bike Lane Phase 2A Project 10/15/2024 11/14/2024
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2025-02RFQClosedRFQRFQ for Design Build Entities - Photovoltaic CIP project 10/9/2024 10/31/2024
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2022-013Under EvaluationProject BidsLED Streetlight Installation Rebid 9/25/2024 10/29/2024
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N/AClosedRFPSports Center Instruction, Court Maintenance, and Retail Services 9/6/2024 10/4/2024
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